Content - Central Library

Library Advisory Committee (LAC)

- Planning for the utilization of budget allotted.
- Review the functioning of the Library/digital section/reading room
- Developing strategies for the improvement of the facilities to the staff and the students.
- Requisitioning the requirements of books, DVD’s, CD’s, etc from all departments once in six months and their purchase as per feasibility.
- Subscribing for additional journals/magazines/periodicals etc
- Procuring DVD’s /CD’s/online journals
- Linkages with other libraries
- Maintaining digital section
- Provide assistance to Departmental libraries
- Maintaining the paper clippings concerning Pharmacy education and related issues
- Assisting staff and student’s in
- Assignments
- Seminars/workshops/Conferences
- Paper presentations
- Arranging lectures to make library as a useful support / resource center.
- Preparing budgetary requirements for next year.
Special Responsibilities:
- Taking the feedback from faculty and students regarding library services.
- Providing Xerox and internet facility uninterruptedly
- Inculcating the interest in student community to use and utilize library resources.