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Faculty Development Committee


The Institution promote faculty development by granting them deputation to attend conferences, F D Programs, workshops, Training in Research methodology, Teaching Methodology etc.,

  • The Committee scrutinizes the applications of faculty for selection for training in new technologies and on programs as specified in preamble and report to principal.
  • Encourage faculty to present/publish paper as per PCI criteria / norms.
  • Arrange IN House training for all faculty members
  • Personality Development
  • Interpersonal Relationships
  • Presentation of Skills
  • Oratory Skills & Public speaking
  • Computer Skills
  • Orientation programs
Academic Audit 

  • For the purpose of academic audit of the departments, the principal will appoint an ‘Academic Audit Committee’.
  • The academic audit will be done every year
  • The committee will undertake the academic audit pertaining to the previous academic/calendar year
  • The principal will submit a copy of the Report to the Director / Secretary of the Society with in four days of the meeting.
  • The principal will present the highlights of the academic audit report to the management committee in the management committee meeting for taking appropriate measures.
Student Induction Programme Cell


AICTE has introduced a three-week induction program for all freshmen students from 2017 with one faculty associated for 20-25 students. This step is taken to build a strong connect between students and the faculty on one hand and create holistic awareness about Universal Human Values.

Why SIP Cell?

Transition from school to university/college life is one of the most challenging events in a student’s life. When new students enter an institution, they come with diverse thoughts, backgrounds and preparations. They come into a new unfamiliar environment, and most of them have little knowledge of a university/college. An important task, therefore, is to welcome new students to Higher Education and prepare them for their new role. Student Induction is designed to help in the whole process.

The term induction is generally used to describe the whole process whereby the incumbents adjust to or acclimatize to their new roles and environment. In other words, it is a well-planned event to educate the new entrants about the environment in a particular institution, and connect them with the people in it. Student Induction Programme engages with the new students as soon as they come into the institution, before regular classes start. At the start of the induction, the incumbents learn about the institutional policies, processes, practices, culture and values, and their mentor groups are formed.


One of the objectives of the three-week induction programme is to engage students in different art forms like painting, singing, dance, drama, pottery, yoga, meditation, etc. It also aims to channelize the ecstatic energy of the students into several productive activities like sports, cultural programmes. Inspirational lectures by eminent personalities, visits to nearby historical places and industry, village life, discussions and film screenings etc. are also a part of this programme. A faculty member trained in Universal Human Values programme, helps students in the right development of their world-view, mindset, perspective and values.

Institute SIP Policy
  • Informing Fresher about meaning, purpose and relevance of higher education in realising the purpose of life.
  • Through SIP Building a bond with faculty and mentoring.
  • Informing Fresher about Institutional rules and regulations, norms, academic and administrative structure and learning resources.
  • Teaching Institutional culture ethos, etiquettes and manners and value system.
  • Using available internal and external sources (curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular) for all-round and holistic development of fresher.
  • Pursuing sports, cultural, creative counselling, and welfare activities during SIP.
  • Focusing emerging career opportunities and challenges to the fresher.
  • Introduction and importance of subjects/courses of study selected by the students.
  • Awareness about the institutional mechanism that exists with regard to anti-ragging, prevention of sexual harassment, anti-intoxicants awareness etc.
  • Putting in the picture Health/ hygiene/ yoga/ time management, etc.
  • Encouraging use of e-learning resources, application of ICT and social media for making education employable.
Roles & Responsibilities of SIP Cell
  • Faculty development program for Student Induction (FDP-SI) and Model curriculum of Universal Human Values -II
  • Coordination with National Coordination Committee-Induction Program (NCC-IP)
  • Induction portal and related matters and designing of activity plan for induction programme.
  • Impact workshops and training programs
  • Any other work assigned by Competent Authority from time to time
Activities in SIP
  • Human value
  • Creative art
  • Literary Activity
  • Student and Sports Activity
  • Library Orientation
  • Proficiency Module
  • Art of Living
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Values in education
  • Ethics in college life
Universal Human Values Cell

  • AICTE introduces Universal Human Values (UHV) course in Pharmacy colleges from the Academic Year 2020-2021 with an objective
  • To help the student to see the need for developing a holistic perspective of life (individual, family (inter-personal relationship), society and nature/existence)
  • Strengthening self-reflection, develop more confidence and commitment to
  • understand, learn and act accordingly
  • Through discussion between the faculty and students
  • The long history of mankind has seen a lot of progress. Though science & technology has led to continuous progress of mankind but we are still facing various problems at all the levels. The individuals are still confused with respect in lack of clarity on life goals, contradictions & stress.
  • This subject deals with value education means it tells us ‘What is of value or what is valuable to a human-being’. Value thus provides the basis for all our actions and there is an essential relationship between values and skills, which needs to be ensured in any education system
  • This course is an attempt to integrate all the aspects of your life into a single whole and equip you with the capability to find answers to questions which are very important to you. We shall look into issues that shape our lives, our living. We shall look into what we want, and how we can be sure of it. We shall also see why we should be having this course in the first place.
  • This course is an aid for self-exploration. It will guide you through a process of self-discovery and enable you to have a more complete understanding of your own self and of the world around you in such way that how you will explore to the problem to be faced in life.
  • The success of this course would depend on how attentively you listen to what is being stated in the classroom and how sincerely and authentically you evaluate the same within yourself. So, this is not something you have to 'learn'. This is something you have to start paying attention to and understand in your own right.
  • Understand the need, concept and content of value-education in individual’s life and modifies their aspirations for happiness & prosperity.
  • Comprehend the term self-exploration and its application for self-evaluation and development.
  • Reconstruct the concepts about different values & discriminate between them.
  • Analyze the concept of co-existence & evaluate the program to ensure self-regulation.
  • Identify the holistic perception of harmony at level of self, family, society, nature and explain it by various examples.
  • Apply professional ethics in their future profession & contribute for making a value-based society


Responsibilities OF UHV Cell
  • It is hoped that the Human Values Cell of the institution will ensure that the students are made aware of the problems and their possible solutions through self-exploration.
  • The Cell will ensure that the students to internalize the fact that they have to respond to situations instead of react.
  • At the same time, the Cell will facilitate the students to identify their societal responsibilities.
  • Through the activities of the Cell, an effort will be made to rid society from the ills prevalent.
  •  Further the Human Values Cell will ascertain that the students realize that they have a lot of potential which when realized will propel the society forward in a positive direction.
Responsibilities OF UHV Cell in Future
  • Continuous effort in this direction is required, beyond the initial stage. It is very essential to create a congenial environment in the institutions. In fact, the ethos of the whole institution including the administration, the teachers and the other staff has to gradually change in consonance with the right understanding. The support, encouragement and personal exemplification by the Heads of institutions, management and senior faculty, in particular will facilitate the process of 'Living with the Values'. Continuous motivational interaction with other stakeholders such as the staff, parents and the prospective employers strengthen the ethos of value-based culture in educational ecology.
  • Invite persons working on universal human values for discussions and deliberations, and to offer open electives.
  •  Develop a mechanism to enable frequent interaction amongst faculty, students and authentic organizations working for universal human values.
Activities of Cell
  • Familiarise Decision Makers with the need
  • Adopt the foundation course
  • Conduct short awareness workshops
  • Establish a Value Education Cell
  • Selection of Course instructors and their orientation
  • Social Internship & Social Projects


Women Empowerment Cell 

Women cell of Seven Hills College of Pharmacy is established with the motto of towards self-empowered mind. The cell aims to empower girl students and faculty to enhance their understanding of issues related to women and to make the college campus a safe place for girls and women and to address the practical issues related to the welfare and equal opportunities for women faculty, staff and students.  


To identify and promote the strong leadership and growth of women as individuals in their own right

To develop the self-confidence of women in building their capacity

Training the women to impart knowledge of opportunities and resources available to get backing support

To educate girl students on women specific health issues and measures to be taken

Creating social awareness about the problems of women, gender equity and prevention of sexual harassment.

  • To create the awareness on the objectives of WEC amongst the girl students for their enthusiastic participation.
  • To encourage women to undertake activities that strengthens their self-confidence
  • To participate actively in the events and competitions organized by the cell and encourage other girl’s students to participate
  • To empower female faculty, staff and students about general economic and social issues
  • To review safety and security measures for female’s employees and girl students at SHCP campus
 Women Protection Cell

  • The women cell is constituted to help maintain a harmonious atmosphere at the institute to enable women to pursue their work with dignity and reassurance. The cell has been working to raise awareness on gender equality issues.
  • This cell functions as the “Complaints Committee” as required by the “Sexual Harassment of Women” at the workplace Act 2013.
  • Institute is committed to maintaining a professional learning and working environment for its students, employees, and guests. One of the women's cells' mandates is to prevent gender discrimination and inappropriate sexual conduct. This is best achieved through promoting gender sensitivity and justice amongst all IPR employees.
  • Safe and protected environment to girls students and female faculty members
  • Resolve the grievances/problems of girl’s students and female faculty members
  • Empowerment of girl’s students and female faculty members by conducting seminars, workshops, conference etc
  • Counselling of girl students
Roles & Responsibilities:
  • To protect girl students against any type of harassment and take suitable actions as stated below.
  • To organize awareness programmes for members of the committee, students, faculty and staff on different aspect of discrimination against and sexual harassment of women
  • The committee decided that a workshop/lecture may be got arranged by inviting a representative of prominent NGO dealing in the subject matter of sexual harassment and legal remedies available for redressal of their grievances.